It’s Not {Just} a Pillow Case

It’s Not {Just} a Pillow Case

I bet every time you are looking at your bed linens you don’t even give much thought to the pillow cases. I mean, they are {just} pillow cases, right? You could probably sleep without a pillow case – if you had to. And, unless you found some super secret...
It’s Not {Just} a Pillow Case

Handmade for Newtown – Update!

1/19/13 – auction is closed and $5,021 was raised!  Great job to those who put it all together!! If you haven’t been following on Facebook or don’t know…the auction for Handmade for Newtown is up and tomorrow night (Friday, January 18th) it...
It’s Not {Just} a Pillow Case

Handmade for Newtown (by imagine gnats)

Thanks to imagine gnats (found here on Facebook and her blog) I once again found out about an awesome giving opportunity. Earlier in the year I learned through the blog about Craft Hope’s initiative to collect Aprons for Haiti and today I learned about Handmade...
It’s Not {Just} a Pillow Case

Aprons for Haiti

Hi everyone! I recently came across an awesome blog post about aprons for Haiti (find more information here) and so I had to look into this further.  Many of you probably know that I started my little GeminiRed Creations business because of the want/need for an apron....